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Leo's Birth Story Leo Andrew turned 2 months old 3 days ago, and I am just now feeling like I am able to begin to gather my thoughts and put his birth story into writing. Leo's birth was beautiful, traumatic and one of the best but also absolute worst days of my life. Everything that happened on January 24, 2017 and the days following that are days that I will never forget, but also sometimes wish I could forget. But nonetheless, everything that has happened is just the beginning to Leo's story - and everything that Leo touches turns to pure gold in my opinion (but I might be biased). Because I want to remember every intense feeling I felt during the days before Leo was born, during his birth, and after his birth - this could be a very long post, but here goes nothin'. In case anyone missed it, once I got to the 9 month mark of pregnancy - I was huge. Like, no one could look away or not say something about how ginormous my belly was. I constantly looked (an

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